Easing of Restrictions

We thank you for your support, and be assured we understand the community’s continued concern about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We have taken precautions to ensure when you visit our centre your wellbeing continues to be our top priority!

We are here for you

From 4pm Friday 20th August, 2021 it is still a requirement to wear a mask when visiting our centre.  If you are partaking of food or drink you may remove your mask.

It is also a requirement that there is one person per 4 sqm metres or for venues up to 200m² 1 person per 2m².  To eat or drink you must be seated.

Don’t forget to Check In 

As of 1AM on the 9th July, 2021 it has become mandatory for shoppers/diners to check-in via the Check In Qld App when entering shopping centres and all tenancies and restaurants.  For more information please visit  https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/check-in-qld

For the latest Greater Brisbane Lock Down Advice please visit https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/easing-greater-brisbane-restrictions

We care about you

Please continue to follow the COVID-19 policy for regular hand washing, using soap for 20 seconds or hand sanitiser. If you cough or sneeze please cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or cough or sneeze into your elbow.

Please ensure you practice social distancing with 1.5 metres between customers. This includes waiting in cues or walking throughout the centre.

If you are feeling unwell or are suffering from any of the symptoms we ask you to seek medical attention immediately. Especially if you have developed symptoms 14 days after last contact with a confirmed case or after returning to Australia from overseas.

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Sore Throat
  • Tiredness
  • Shortness of Breath

Please keep up to date with the current Department of Health directives



or you can contact the COVID-19/Coronavirus Hotline 1800 173 349

We thank you for your support and respect of our staff at this time.

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